Monday, October 15, 2012

House Party (sponsored by Planters NUT-rition)

I have seen the offers to sign up and host a House Party through several times.  I tried signing up a few months ago (more like a year probably) and I didn't get to host at that time.  I figured that it probably wasn't gonna happen so I forgot about it.  Then I decided to apply again...and whazaaam!  I am the new proud host of Planters NUT-rition house party! 

You should apply to host a only takes a few minutes of your time to apply!

It was too easy!  Here is my party page.

I decided that I would host a craft party and use the Planters NUT-trition samples for our snacks!

They sent me 6 jars of peanut butter (3 different kinds, 2 jars each), favors, streamers, 13 water bottles to give out, a recipe guide for the new flavored peanut butter, and a cutesie little peanut butter trophy. 

I invited several friends and we are gonna make some jewelry while chomping on some new flavored peanut butter!  I am super duper excited!   More to come AFTER the party on Saturday!

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